شاي الإبرة الذهبية الأسود (ديانهونغ)
This Chinese black tea is from the Yunnan province, The delicate buds of this tippy tea are handpicked from ancient tea trees and fully manually processed based on traditional methods. This careful processing results in a wonderfully consistent looking tea with a golden appearance.
Yunnan Golden Needle delicate honey and caramel aroma. It brews a wonderful yellow-orange and bright cup of tea that will light up your day. Our Yunnan Gold almost consists of pure golden buds and is the highest grade you can get at a yet affordable price.
Health Benefits
Diuretic effect: the combination of caffeine and other substances in this tea get rid of toxics and decrease excessive amount of salt. The latter is often related to the hypertension. When consumed in moderation, it could also helps against heart diseases.
Anti-inflammatory effect: polyphenols in black tea can reduce inflammation and infection. The leaves in a tippy golden black tea like Yunnan Gold will even contain more polyphenols. This is why the leaves are also used in some region in China to coat wounds. In addition, it’s often consumed in situations of food poisoning.
Detoxification effect: tea polyphenols also at the same time can get rid of heavy metals and alkaloids found in modern food.
Eliminating fatigue: caffeine in black tea has a longer-term effect (though less intense) and is therefore more effective in reducing tiredness and improving focus. It also increases blood flow and thereby improve the digestion of food.
Tooth health: believe it or not, drinking Yunnan Gold can strengthen your teeth! The downside is that black tea can potentially stain your teeth, so you’ll have to brush at least twice a day to keep them white and bright.
Form | شاي فضفاض |
Tea Types | شاي أسود |
Origin | يونان، الصين |
Harvest Date | في هذا العام |
Season | ربيع |
Health Benefits | غنية بمضادات الأكسدة, مكافحة الشيخوخة, إزالة السموم, مضاد التهاب, تأثير مدر للبول, تنشيط, تثبيط البكتيريا, تدفئة المعدة |
Caffeine | عالي |
Ingredients | الشاي الأسود |
وزن السلعة | 100 جرام |
Shelf Life | 36 شهرا |
Storage | تخزينها في مكان محكم، بارد وجاف، تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة. |
Country of Manufacture | الصين |
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