شاي أبيض إبرة فضية
Exceptional Traditional Chinese Tea
Yunnan Silver Needle is a White Tea produced in the Yunnan Province of China and harvested in early spring, it is made from single bud or few one bud with one unopened leaf. It tastes very refreshing, mellow and smooth taste.
Good Taste
When you brewed the white tea leaves, they begin to stretch slowly and become soft. The tea will give off rich fragrance and smooth liquor with a slight soymilk sweet taste. Yunnan Silver Needle White Tea is a great gift option for giving your friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbor.
Naturally High Mountain Grown
It is high mountain tea that each fresh leaf handpicked from the mountainous areas 900-1350m above sea level in early spring.
Health Benefits
Silver Needle Tea is a tea with low caffeine level and good for your health, it is rich in anti-oxidants and can help lower blood glucose levels, it is also good for skin care.
Form | شاي فضفاض |
Tea Types | شاي أبيض |
Origin | يونان، الصين |
Harvest Date | في هذا العام |
Season | ربيع |
Health Benefits | غنية بمضادات الأكسدة, جمال, انخفاض نسبة السكر في الدم |
Caffeine | قليل |
Ingredients | الشاي الأبيض |
وزن السلعة | 500 جرام |
Shelf Life | كبار السن كلما كان ذلك أفضل |
Storage | تخزينها في مكان محكم، بارد وجاف، تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة. |
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