شاي أخضر أوائل الربيع 100 جرام
Growing in Natural Environment
Cuiming Green tea is a traditional and one of the best Yunnan green tea. This green tea grows where the humidity is high all year round. Owning to the enough rainfall and small temperature variations, Cuiming tea gets its distinctive flavor. With the verdant, neat and plump tea leaves, covered with sufficient white pekoes, Yunnan Cuiming green tea possesses strong and long lasting fragrance. After brewing, the soup is yellowish green.
Health Benefits
Cuiming Green Tea is a kind of unfermented tea and contains vitamin C and amino acids, like most finer Chinese green teas, it's one of the highest concentrations of catechins among teas. The caffeine in Cuiming tea can eliminate fatigue and improve work efficiency. It also can help anti-aging and burn fat in the body, lowers bad cholesterol, prevent cancer, and etc.
Tips on Green Tea Drinking
Although the benefits of drinking green tea are numerous, there are still some don’ts to be noticed:
- Neither drink it with an empty belly nor drink the overnight green tea.
- Do not drink it together with the medicine.
- Do not drink tea before going to bed or it might keep you excited.
- Do not drink strong tea when you are suffering from some diseases like hepatopathy and lithiasis.
Form | شاي فضفاض |
Tea Types | شاي أخضر |
Origin | يونان، الصين |
Harvest Date | في هذا العام |
Season | ربيع |
Health Benefits | غنية بمضادات الأكسدة, تنظيف تجويف الفم, مضاد للإشعاع, يحمي من الإصابة بالسرطان, تأثير مدر للبول, تنشيط, يحمي العينين, فقدان الوزن |
Caffeine | واسطة |
Ingredients | الشاي الأخضر |
وزن السلعة | 500 جرام |
Shelf Life | 18 شهرا |
Storage | تخزينها في مكان محكم، بارد وجاف، تجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة. |
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